Pelvicore Pro Womens Health

Pelvicore Program - Women's Health
Women's Health By Numbers

It has been estimated that between 12-25 million Americans have some form of pelvic floor dysfunction.
One in three women suffer with some form of pelvic floor dysfunction.
Pelvic floor disorders can be devastating to the quality of life...leading to social embarrassment, depression, lack of self esteem, and even isolation.
Fewer than half of all women with incontinence seek medical help.
36% of women over the age of 45 have some form of pelvic floor dysfunction.
60% of all people in nursing homes have some form of pelvic floor dysfunction.

Weak or imbalanced Pelvic Core muscles can lead to incontinence, back pain, pelvic floor muscle laxity (which can exacerbate the symptoms associated with Pelvic Organ Prolapse) and decreased sexual appreciation.
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction may include
(but is not limited to):

Urinary Incontinence (see Pelvicore Pro Incontinence Page)
Anal Incontinence:
- Involuntary loss of solid or liquid stool or gas.
- Incidence of anal incontinence is eight times greater in women than in men.
- Approximately 10% of women with urinary incontinence have anal incontinence as well.
- The overall prevalence of fecal incontinence has been reported to approach 20%.
- Injury to the anal sphincter has been reported to be as high as 44% in females after their first vaginal delivery.
Pelvic Organ Prolase: (POP):
Pelvic bowl organs (ie bladder, uterus,vagina, small bowel or rectum) may descend or fall into or outside of the vaginal canal.
- Over 11% of women in the U.S. will need at least one operation for pelvic floor disorders in their lifetime.
- Approximately 50% of all women who have had children will experience some form of prolapse in their lifetime.

POP Risk Factors
- Poor Pelvic Core Strength/Stability
- Pregnancy and Childbirth
- Aging and Menopause
- Chronic Constipation/Straining
- Chronic Coughing
- Obesity
- Heavy Repetitive Lifting
- Previous Pelvic Surgery

Sexual Dysfunction:
- Decreased sexual appreciation with weak pelvic core and pelvic floor muscles.
- Dyspareunia (painful intercourse) may be present secondary to POP or pelvic floor muscles that are unable to    properly relax (hypertonus).
- Incontinence may occur during intercourse.
- Nerve damage may be present, resulting in decreased sensation.
What you get.....
  • Pelvicore Pro
  • Womens Health Exercise Sheet
  • Instructional DVD